Interest of Upper-secondary School Students in Mathematical Activities in Physics Lessons


  • Vojtěch Žák Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague


Recent pieces of research show that the use of mathematical tools in physics lessons is rather unpopular among upper-secondary school students. The presented research, conducted on a representative sample of 2.300 upper-secondary school students, has revealed that the popularity of mathematical activities among the students (solving quantitative problems and deriving quantity equations) closely corresponds with their academic achievement in physics. It also has been shown that the students who are willing to study at university mathematics or physics want to deal with mathematical activities in physics lessons at the upper-secondary school level. It is interesting that the percentage of the students who stated that they want to study mathematics or physics at university is not minute (about 8 %) and it makes sense to deal with these students with care.



How to Cite

Žák, V. (2014). Interest of Upper-secondary School Students in Mathematical Activities in Physics Lessons. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 23(4), 275–286. Retrieved from


