Some Problems on Irrational Numbers


  • Andrea Kanáliková Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
  • Jana Pócsová Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, The Technical University of Košice


The current mathematics textbooks contain a small number of tasks which would develop an algebraic and geometric imagination especially of the concept of irrational numbers. The development of this imagination is particularly important because of the formation of a comprehensive view of mathematics and also for the needs of mathematics. A mathematical analysis concept at universities is built just on the set of real numbers. Therefore, the article offers three tasks aimed on developing of ideas and working with irrational numbers. In addition we present also solutions and ideas for further discussion of the presented tasks in this paper. Two of presented tasks are addressing the development of geometric concepts, one of them is based on the of Sangaku type of tasks.



How to Cite

Kanáliková, A., & Pócsová, J. (2014). Some Problems on Irrational Numbers. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 23(5), 329–336. Retrieved from


