Simple electronic circuits with possible universal use


  • Petr Adámek Pedagogical Faculty, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
  • Pavel Varnuška Pedagogical Faculty, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice


The contribution deals with the construction of simple circuits of transistors and other circuits applicable in educational process. Devices are also widely applicable in inquiry-based instruction teaching in educational process of physics, computer science, robotics and of electronics. It is depending on the selected type of application and possibility of creative approach to the construction. Devices are characterized by very simply construction, low material demands and availability in terms of productions. Electronic circuits can be built directly in educational process. Chosen devices may cover the universally and the specialized teaching in mentioned branches. They are mainly applicable in practical education and suitable for model of the constructivism in education as are the “learning by doing” or the “inquiry-based instruction teaching” at lower types of schools.



How to Cite

Adámek, P., & Varnuška, P. (2018). Simple electronic circuits with possible universal use. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 27(3), 206–216. Retrieved from


