Natural science as an educational subject from 1869 to 1939


  • Bohumila Kroupová Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Králové
  • Bohumil Vybíral Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Králové


The article outlines the development of education since the release of imperial law in 1869 to the Second World War. The education in this period was relatively stable, there weren´t any changes as it was usual in the period after the Second World War. The teaching of natural sciences was very similar during this period too. Natural sciences at this time linked chemistry and physics and there was a great emphasis on interdisciplinary relations. The syllabus has been written so that the subject matter could be applied in everyday life, farming, economy and domestic matters. The article also shows the difference between the subject matter in primary and secondary schools.



How to Cite

Kroupová, B., & Vybíral, B. (2014). Natural science as an educational subject from 1869 to 1939. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 23(3), 187–200. Retrieved from


