Some Younger Pupils' ideas about gravity


  • Eva Hejnová Faculty of Science, J. E. Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem


The article focuses on research of younger pupils' ideas (the fourth to the sixth grade of elementary school) about gravity. In this topic it is possible to identify many misconceptions in children's ideas, many of which persist until adulthood. Because most research carried out mainly during the 1980s, we were interested in the current state in this theme. We wanted to find out how younger pupils' ideas about gravity were changed with the increasing age, or rather which misconceptions persist in pupil's ideas. Research was carried out by means of concept cartoons.

By way of the comparison, we present results of the survey that was performed with pre-service teachers for elementary school. In view of these findings we refer to some problematic points in methodology texts and textbooks of science for the fourth and the fifth grade and present a recommendation for education that could help teachers to develop correct pupil's ideas about gravity.



How to Cite

Hejnová, E. (2017). Some Younger Pupils’ ideas about gravity. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 26(4), 298–304. Retrieved from


