Implementation of the constructivist approach to physics teaching through tasks in the form of a discussion


  • Eva Hejnová Faculty of Science, J. E. Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem


The article focuses on tasks in the form of a discussion (abroad called „concept cartoons“). At Czech schools this type of tasks isn´t overly known but their potential is large, mainly in respect to the possibility to apply constructivist principles in the classroom. Concept cartoons provide a stimulus for discussion and argument, challenge and develope the learners’ ideas, promote thinking and reasoning, help learners to ask their own questions, provide starting points for scientific investigation and enquiry etc. This approach is defended by numerous researchers as challenging of critical thinking and developing of conceptual thinking.

In the contribution two sets of tasks in the form of concept cartoons are presented, the first one on topic „Motion and force“, the other one on topic „Gravity“. The tasks are designed for learnerss at the age of 13 to 15 (i.e. the pupils of lower secondary schools) but it is possible to use for older pupils too. Some examples of concept cartoons from the sets are included in the article and some possibilities of the using of tasks for teaching are described.



How to Cite

Hejnová, E. (2016). Implementation of the constructivist approach to physics teaching through tasks in the form of a discussion. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 25(2), 102–115. Retrieved from


