Strategy 2030+ in the preparation of future physics teachers


  • Jiří Kos Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Králové
  • Michaela Křížová Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Králové


We are not afraid to say that a large part of Czech physics didactics is currently concerned about (among other things) the implementation of the Strategy of the Czech Republic's educational policy until 2030+ (also called Strategy 2030+. Specifically, two selected aspects of the Strategy - the very hot topic of the revision of the Framework Educational Programmes (hereafter referred to as RVP) and the planned reform of the preparation of future teachers. The relevance and importance of these issues is obvious. Both the Framework Curriculum for Primary Education (FCEF) and the Framework Curriculum for Secondary Education (FCEF G) have already undergone revision, and schools educating pupils in the relevant fields of education are obliged to respond to this change in the coming years. New graduates of teacher-oriented study programmes will thus certainly face the revision immediately. The reform of the preparation of future teachers is the so-called evergreen of Czech education. The situation is all the more unpleasant for science teacher education because it is not easy to implement changes in the structure of university study programmes in a flexible way, as the accreditation procedure is not easy at all and represents a heavy administrative burden. While the accreditation process is easier for some universities if they have institutional accreditation in a given field of education, for example, bachelor's degree programmes focusing on the preparation of future teachers are normally accredited for up to ten years, so it cannot be assumed that universities will massively reshape degree programmes prematurely. Universities therefore often have to manage within the current course structure of the programme. In this article, we would therefore like to describe in a little more detail the framework of the changes we have outlined above and to present how we in our department (at least partially) deal with the problems outlined.



How to Cite

Kos, J., & Křížová, M. (2024). Strategy 2030+ in the preparation of future physics teachers. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 33(1), 39–51. Retrieved from


