Replacement of Ruhmkorff's inductor by high voltage sources


  • Čeněk Kodejška Grammar school, secondary technical school and college Nový Bydžov


This article deals with the realization of experiments using Ruhmkorff's inductor for their implementation. As an example, it can be mentioned gas discharge, spark discharge, or electrostatic pendulum. Since the Ruhmkorff transformer is already one of the historical tools, which are rather obsolete in the physical cabinet, the repair is usually not possible, and the price of the new inductor ranges from CZK 7.000 to CZK 12.000, we were dealing with the possibility of replacement this tool by the cheap high-voltage sources that can be obtained for a few dollars or euros at international e-shops like Amazon or AliExpress.

In the following experiments, 3V-6V to 400kV Boost Step up Power Module High Voltage Generator and AC 220V High Voltage Generator Boost Step-up Power Module Continuous Igniter 15kV 1A-2A were used as high voltage sources.

Our goal was to test the functionality of high voltage sources directly from the manufacturer, without any further modification or design of additional electronic circuits.



How to Cite

Kodejška, Čeněk. (2019). Replacement of Ruhmkorff’s inductor by high voltage sources. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 28(3), 201–206. Retrieved from




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