About the Journal

Mathematics–Physics–Informatics is published since 1991. The magazine is a continuation of the earlier one – Mathematics and Physics in school. Its content is focused on the education's problems at primary and secondary schools. There are published contributions in Czech and Slovak language. Since 2019, the magazine is published quarterly, i.e. four issues per year, each with a range of 80 print pages.

All submitted articles are peer-reviewed. Since 2015 the journal is again listed on the "List of peer-reviewed periodicals published in the Czech Republic", published by the Council for Research and Development of the Czech Republic.

Mathematics–Physics–Informatics is an official journal of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists (JČMF/UCMP). It is published by PROMETHEUS, the publisher of textbooks in mathematics and physics, in cooperation with JČMF (UCMP).

Content selection from the volumes 1 to 21 years, when the magazine in the years 1991–2012 had printed version only.

Instructions for Authors

For more details and instructions how to edit the text can be found on a separate page.


Editorial Board is composed of experts from universities educating teachers representing the corresponding fields of specializations. Section editors acknowledge the receipt of the contributions and send them to the reviewers, the authors are informed about the decision. Original technical articles are reviewed by two independent experts in the field in terms of authenticity and originality. Other types of the texts are reviewed by one reviewer. The form form for the reviewers can be downloaded.


Písně lidu fyzikálního


Dovolujeme si upozornit na dvě publikace spojující s humorem fyziku a hudbu.

Jan Obdržálek: Písně lidu fyzikálního
Nakladatelství eknihyjedou, cena 99 Kč.

Zpívejte zábavně fyzikální vzorce a poučky! 25 písniček s notami a akordy, hlavně pro SŠ, s výkladem, něco i pro ZŠ či VŠ. Od výčtu základních jednotek SI, fyzikálních veličin (SŠ i ZŠ), přes volný pád, páky, zákony zachování, hydrodynamiku, lom světla a čočkovou rovnici, až k entropii, relativitě, nerozlišitelnosti a kvantové fyzice.

Jan Obdržálek: Písně lidu fyzikálního 26-35
Nakladatelství eknihyjedou, cena 89 Kč.

Opět si zpívejte, nyní vedle fyziky o geometrii! Dalších 13 písniček k předchozí sbírce, na prosté či povědomé nápěvy s notami a akordy. Hlavně pro SŠ, něco i pro VŠ. Druhý zákon Newtonův, zákon Archimédův, hamiltonián, Legenda o sv. Juří a tlaku, Neděl nulou, má panenko s příslibem l’Hospitalova pravidla, Eulerova věta o mnohostěnech, všechna Platónova tělesa i každé zvlášť, navíc zákon nabídky a poptávky v praxi.

S výkladem, doporučeno JČMF.

Read more about Písně lidu fyzikálního

Current Issue

Vol. 33 No. 4 (2024)

66th Physics Olympiad

As a supplement of the 4th issue we publish a set of problems for the first round the Physics Olympiad for the school year 2024/2025, categories A–G. More information can be found on the competition website fyzikalniolympiada.cz.

The whole issue in one file:

Published: 2024-12-01
View All Issues
