Physical experiments using PC sound card


  • Čeněk Kodejška Grammar school, Nový Bydžov
  • Anežka Raichová Grammar school, Nový Bydžov
  • Jiří Berný Grammar school, Nový Bydžov
  • Lukáš Kozák Grammar school, Nový Bydžov


Conducting experiments in physics by usage of modern measuring techniques, particularly computers are much often more attractive to students than conventional ways of experiments. SCLPX - Sound Card Laser Pointer eXperiments deals with experiments in physics under which such equipment as a computer sound card as a measuring device and other available physical devices such as a laser pointer, photodiode or solar cell, electrets microphone, etc. are being used.  The work presents alternative experiments in physics that can be used directly as demonstration experiments in classes of physics or as students’ attempts in a laboratory work. The most important advantage of the proposed experiments is a relevant low cost of the basic equipment and the fact that all of the proposed experiments could be repeatedly conducted at home individually. For recording and evaluation of the measured signal and the measured values of physical quantities are using freeware programs Free Audio Editor and Visual Analyser.



How to Cite

Kodejška, Čeněk, Raichová, A., Berný, J., & Kozák, L. (2013). Physical experiments using PC sound card. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 22(4), 264–271. Retrieved from




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